Source code for kitty.model.low_level.container

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# This file is part of Kitty.
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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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Containers are fields that group multiple fields into a single logical unit,
they all inherit from ``Container``, which inherits from
from bitstring import Bits, BitArray
import random
from kitty.model.low_level.field import BaseField, empty_bits, Dynamic, BitField
from kitty.model.low_level.encoder import BitsEncoder, ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, ENC_BITS_BYTE_ALIGNED
from kitty.core import kassert, KittyException, khash
from kitty.model.low_level.ll_utils import RenderContext

[docs]class Container(BaseField): ''' A logical unit to group multiple fields together ''' _encoder_type_ = BitsEncoder
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=[], encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :type fields: field or iterable of fields :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :example: :: Container([ String('header_name'), Delimiter('='), String('header_value') ]) ''' super(Container, self).__init__(value=empty_bits, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) if isinstance(fields, BaseField): fields = [fields] self._fields = [] self._fields_dict = {} self._field_idx = 0 self._containers = [] self._ready = False self.replace_fields(fields)
# BaseField overriden API methods
[docs] def copy(self): ''' :return: a copy of the container ''' dup = super(Container, self).copy() dup._fields = [field.copy() for field in self._fields] dup._fields_dict = {field.get_name(): field for field in dup._fields if field.get_name() is not None} dup._containers = [] for container in self._containers: idx = self._fields.index(container) dup._containers.append(dup._fields[idx]) for field in dup._fields: field.enclosing = dup return dup
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(Container, self).hash() for f in self._fields: f_hashed = f.hash() hashed = khash(hashed + f_hashed) return hashed
[docs] def num_mutations(self): ''' :return: number of mutations in the container ''' self._initialize() res = super(Container, self).num_mutations() return res
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container ''' self._initialize() render_count = 1 if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() if self._need_second_pass: render_count = 2 ctx.push(self) if self.is_default(): self._current_rendered = self._default_rendered else: if self.offset is None: self.offset = 0 for i in range(render_count): offset = self.offset rendered = BitArray() for field in self._fields: field.set_offset(offset) frendered = field.render(ctx) if not isinstance(frendered, Bits): raise KittyException('the field %s:%s was rendered to type %s, you should probably wrap it with appropriate encoder' % ( field.get_name(), type(field), type(frendered))) rendered.append(frendered) offset += len(frendered) self.set_current_value(rendered) ctx.pop() return self._current_rendered
[docs] def set_offset(self, offset): ''' Set the absolute offset of current field, if the field should have default value, set the offset of the sub fields as well. :param offset: absolute offset of this field (in bits) ''' super(Container, self).set_offset(offset) if self.is_default(): for field in self._fields: field.set_offset(offset) offset += len(field._current_rendered)
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the state of the container and its internal fields ''' super(Container, self).reset() for field in self._fields: field.reset() self._field_idx = 0
[docs] def scan_for_field(self, field_key): ''' Scan for a field in the container and its enclosed fields :param field_key: name of field to look for :return: field with name that matches field_key, None if not found ''' if field_key == self.get_name(): return self if field_key in self._fields_dict: return self._fields_dict[field_key] for field in self._fields: if isinstance(field, Container): resolved = field.scan_for_field(field_key) if resolved: return resolved return None
[docs] def set_session_data(self, session_data): ''' Set session data in the container enclosed fields :param session_data: dictionary of session data ''' if session_data: for field in self._fields: if isinstance(field, (Container, Dynamic)): field.set_session_data(session_data)
[docs] def is_default(self): ''' Checks if the field is in its default form :return: True if field is in default form ''' for field in self._fields: if not field.is_default(): return False return super(Container, self).is_default()
def _init(self): ''' Prepare to run (if not ready) ''' num = 0 for field in self._fields: field._initialize() self._need_second_pass |= field._need_second_pass for field in self._fields: num += field.num_mutations() self._calculate_mutations(num) self._initialize_default_buffer() def _initialize_default_buffer(self): if self.is_default(): rendered = Bits() for field in self._fields: frendered = field._initialize_default_buffer() if not isinstance(frendered, Bits): raise KittyException('the field %s:%s was rendered to type %s, you should probably wrap it with appropriate encoder' % ( field.get_name(), type(field), type(frendered))) rendered += frendered self._default_value = rendered self._default_rendered = self._encode_value(self._default_value) return self._default_rendered def _mutate(self): ''' Mutate enclosed fields ''' for i in range(self._field_idx, len(self._fields)): self._field_idx = i if self._current_field().mutate(): return True self._current_field().reset() return False
[docs] def get_field_by_name(self, name): ''' :param name: name of field to get :return: direct sub-field with the given name :raises: :class:`~kitty.core.KittyException` if no direct subfield with this name ''' if name in self._fields_dict: return self._fields_dict[name] raise KittyException('field named (%s) was not found in (%s)' % (self, name))
# Container's API methods
[docs] def append_fields(self, new_fields): ''' Add fields to the container :param new_fields: fields to append ''' for field in new_fields: self.push(field) if isinstance(field, Container): self.pop()
[docs] def get_rendered_fields(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :return: ordered list of the fields that will be rendered ''' if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() ctx.push(self) result = [] for f in self._fields: if len(f.render(ctx)): result.append(f) ctx.pop() return result
[docs] def get_structure(self): mine = super(Container, self).get_structure() fields = [] for field in self._fields: fields.append(field.get_structure()) mine['fields'] = fields return mine
[docs] def get_info(self): ''' Get info regarding the current fuzzed enclosed node :return: info dictionary ''' field = self._current_field() if field: info = field.get_info() info['path'] = '%s/%s' % ( if else '<no name>', info['path']) else: info = super(Container, self).get_info() return info
[docs] def pop(self): ''' Remove a the top container from the container stack ''' if not self._containers: raise KittyException('no container to pop') self._containers.pop() if self._container(): self._container().pop()
[docs] def push(self, field): ''' Add a field to the container, if the field is a Container itself, it should be poped() when done pushing into it :param field: BaseField to push ''' kassert.is_of_types(field, BaseField) container = self._container() field.enclosing = self if isinstance(field, Container): self._containers.append(field) if container: container.push(field) else: name = field.get_name() if name in self._fields_dict: raise KittyException('field with the name (%s) already exists in this container' % (name)) if name: self._fields_dict[name] = field self._fields.append(field) return True
[docs] def replace_fields(self, new_fields): ''' Remove all fields from the container and add new fields :param new_fields: fields to add to the container ''' self._clean_info() self.append_fields(new_fields)
# Internal methods def _clean_info(self): self._fields = [] self._fields_dict = {} self._field_idx = 0 self._containers = [] self._ready = False def _current_field(self): return self._fields[self._field_idx] def _container(self): if self._containers: return self._containers[-1] else: return None def _calculate_mutations(self, num): self._num_mutations = num
[docs]class ForEach(Container): ''' Perform all mutations of enclosed fields for each mutation of mutated_field '''
[docs] def __init__(self, mutated_field, fields=[], encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param mutated_field: (name of) field to perform mutations for each of its mutations :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :example: :: Template([ Group(['a', 'b', 'c'], name='letters'), ForEach('letters', [ Group(['1', '2', '3']) ]) ]) # results in the mutations: a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3 ''' super(ForEach, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) kassert.not_none(mutated_field) self._mutated_field = mutated_field
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(ForEach, self).hash() return khash(hashed + self._mutated_field.hash())
def _calculate_mutations(self, num): self._mutated_field = self.resolve_field(self._mutated_field) mutated_mul = self._mutated_field.num_mutations() if not mutated_mul: mutated_mul = 1 self._num_mutations = num * mutated_mul def _mutate(self): if self._current_index == 0: self._mutated_field.mutate() if not super(ForEach, self)._mutate(): idx = self._current_index self.reset(False) self._current_index = idx # if done internal mutation, mutate the "for-each" field and than start mutating the fields again self._mutated_field.mutate() return self._mutate() return True
[docs] def reset(self, reset_mutated=True): ''' Reset the state of the container and its internal fields :param reset_mutated: should reset the mutated field too (default: True) ''' super(ForEach, self).reset() if reset_mutated: self._mutated_field.reset()
[docs]class Conditional(Container): ''' Container that its rendering is dependant on a condition '''
[docs] def __init__(self, condition, fields=[], encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :type condition: an object that has a function applies(self, Container) -> Boolean :param condition: condition to evaluate :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :example: :: Template([ Group(['a', 'b', 'c'], name='letters'), If(ConditionCompare('letters', '==', 'a'), [ Static('dvil') ]) ]) # results in the mutations: advil, b, c ''' super(Conditional, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) self._condition = condition self._in_render = False
def _in_render_value(self): return empty_bits
[docs] def get_rendered_fields(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :return: ordered list of the fields that will be rendered ''' res = [] if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() if self._evaluate_condition(ctx): ctx.push(self) res = super(Conditional, self).get_rendered_fields(ctx) ctx.pop() return res
def _evaluate_condition(self, ctx): raise NotImplementedError('should be implemented by a subclass')
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Copy the container, put an invalidated copy of the condition in the new container ''' dup = super(Conditional, self).copy() condition = self._condition.copy() condition.invalidate(self) dup._condition = condition return dup
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(Conditional, self).hash() return khash(hashed, self._condition.hash())
[docs] def is_default(self): ''' Checks if the field is in its default form :return: True if field is in default form ''' return False
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' Only render if condition applies :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container ''' if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() self._initialize() if self in ctx: self._current_rendered = self._in_render_value() else: ctx.push(self) if self._evaluate_condition(ctx): super(Conditional, self).render(ctx) else: self.set_current_value(empty_bits) ctx.pop() return self._current_rendered
[docs]class If(Conditional): ''' Render only if condition evalutes to True ''' def _evaluate_condition(self, ctx): return self._condition.applies(self, ctx)
[docs]class IfNot(Conditional): ''' Render only if condition evalutes to False ''' def _evaluate_condition(self, ctx): return not self._condition.applies(self, ctx)
[docs]class Meta(Container): ''' Don't render enclosed fields :example: :: Container([ Static('no sp'), Meta([Static(' ')]), Static('ace') ]) # will render to: 'no space' '''
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: empty bits ''' self._current_rendered = empty_bits return self._current_rendered
[docs] def get_rendered_fields(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :return: ordered list of the fields that will be rendered ''' return []
def _initialize_default_buffer(self): super(Meta, self)._initialize_default_buffer() self._default_value = empty_bits self._default_rendered = empty_bits return self._default_value
[docs]class Pad(Container): ''' Pad the rendered value of the enclosed fields '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pad_length, pad_data='\x00', fields=[], fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param pad_length: length to pad up to (in bits) :param pad_data: data to pad with (default: '\x00') :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :param fuzzable: is fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the template (default: None) :example: Pad a string with ' 's so it is at least 20 bytes :: Pad(fields=String('padded'), pad_data=' ', pad_length=20) # default result will be: 'padded ' ''' super(Pad, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) self._pad_length = pad_length self._pad_data = Bits(bytes=pad_data)
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container, padded if needed ''' super(Pad, self).render(ctx) self.set_current_value(self._pad_buffer(self._current_rendered)) return self._current_rendered
def _pad_buffer(self, prepad): to_pad = self._pad_length - len(prepad) if to_pad > 0: padding_data = self._pad_data * (to_pad / len(self._pad_data) + 1) return prepad + padding_data[:to_pad] return prepad def _initialize_default_buffer(self): prepad = super(Pad, self)._initialize_default_buffer() padded = self._pad_buffer(prepad) self._default_value = padded self._default_rendered = self._encode_value(padded) return self._default_rendered
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(Pad, self).hash() return khash(hashed, self._pad_length, self._pad_data)
[docs]class Repeat(Container): ''' Repeat the enclosed fields. When not mutated, the repeat count is min_times '''
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=[], min_times=1, max_times=1, step=1, encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :param min_times: minimum number of repetitions (default: 1) :param max_times: maximum number of repetitions (default: 1) :param step: how many repetitions to add each mutation (default: 1) :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :examples: :: Repeat([Static('a')], min_times=5, fuzzable=False) # will render to: 'aaaaa' Repeat([Static('a')], min_times=5, max_times=10, step=5) # will render to: 'aaaaa', 'aaaaaaaaaa' ''' super(Repeat, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) self._check_times(min_times, max_times, step) self._min_times = min_times self._max_times = max_times self._step = step self._repeats = (self._max_times - self._min_times) / self._step
def _check_times(self, min_times, max_times, step): ''' Make sure that the arguments are valid :raises: KittyException if not valid ''' kassert.is_int(min_times) kassert.is_int(max_times) kassert.is_int(step) if not((min_times >= 0) and (max_times > 0) and (max_times >= min_times) and (step > 0)): raise KittyException('one of the checks failed: min_times(%d)>=0, max_times(%d)>0, max_times>=min_times, step > 0' % (min_times, max_times)) def _in_repeat_stage(self): return self._current_index < self._repeats def _calculate_mutations(self, num): self._num_mutations = num + self._repeats def _mutate(self): if not self._in_repeat_stage(): return super(Repeat, self)._mutate() return True
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container, repeated ''' self._initialize() times = self._min_times if self._mutating() and self._in_repeat_stage(): times += (self._current_index) * self._step rendered = super(Repeat, self).render(ctx) self.set_current_value(rendered * times) return self._current_rendered
[docs] def get_rendered_fields(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :return: ordered list of the fields that will be rendered ''' times = self._min_times if self._mutating() and self._in_repeat_stage(): times += (self._current_index) * self._step return super(Repeat, self).get_rendered_fields(ctx) * times
def _current_field(self): if self._in_repeat_stage(): return None return super(Repeat, self)._current_field()
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(Repeat, self).hash() return khash(hashed, self._min_times, self._max_times, self._step, self._repeats)
[docs]class OneOf(Container): ''' Render a single field from the fields (also mutates only one field each time) :example: :: OneOf(fields=[ String('A'), String('B'), String('C'), String('D'), ]) # 'A', 'AAAA', '%s' ... 'B', 'BBBB' ... 'C' .. 'D' '''
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' Render only the mutated field (or the first one if not in mutation) :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container ''' if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() ctx.push(self) self._initialize() offset = self.offset if self.offset else 0 self._fields[self._field_idx].set_offset(offset) rendered = self._fields[self._field_idx].render(ctx) self.set_current_value(rendered) ctx.pop() return self._current_rendered
[docs] def get_rendered_fields(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :return: ordered list of the fields that will be rendered ''' if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() ctx.push(self) current = self._fields[self._field_idx] res = current.get_rendered_fields(ctx) ctx.pop() return res
def _initialize_default_buffer(self): self._default_value = self._fields[self._field_idx]._initialize_default_buffer() self._default_rendered = self._encode_value(self._default_value) return self._default_rendered def _calculate_mutations(self, num): ''' Each element, with its original value, is a mutation by itself. ''' self._num_mutations = num + len(self._fields) def _mutate(self): if self._current_index < len(self._fields): self._field_idx = self._current_index return True elif self._current_index == len(self._fields): self._field_idx = 0 return super(OneOf, self)._mutate()
[docs]class Switch(OneOf): ''' When switch is not mutating, it will render one of the fields, choosing the one with a key that matchs the value of key_field. When switch is mutating, it will mutate and render one of its fields each time, setting the value of the key_field field to the mutated field key. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, field_dict, key_field, default_key, encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param field_dict: dictionary of key:field :param key_field: (name of) field that switch takes the key from :param default_key: key to use if the key_field's value doesn't match any key :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :example: :: Container(fields=[ BE16(name='opcode', value=1), Switch(name='opcode_params', key_field='opcode', default_key=1, field_dict={ 1: Container(name='opcode_1_params', fields=[ BE32(name='param1', value=3), ]), 2: Container(name='opcode_2_params', fields=[ BE32(name='param1', value=4), BE32(name='param2', value=5), ]), }) ]) ''' if default_key not in field_dict: raise KittyException('default_key(%s) is not a key in field_dict' % (default_key)) self._field_dict = field_dict self._key_field = key_field self._default_key = default_key self._key_idx = 0 self._keys = sorted(self._field_dict) self._keys.remove(default_key) self._keys.insert(0, default_key) fields = [field_dict[k] for k in self._keys] super(Switch, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name)
def _init(self): super(Switch, self)._init() key_field = self.resolve_field(self._key_field) key_field._controlled = True def _mutate(self): res = super(Switch, self)._mutate() key = self._keys[self._field_idx] key_field = self.resolve_field(self._key_field) key_field.set_current_value(key) return res
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' Render only a single field (see class docstring for more details) :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container ''' if ctx is None: ctx = RenderContext() ctx.push(self) self._initialize() offset = self.offset if self.offset else 0 if self._mutating(): field_idx = self._field_idx else: key_field = self.resolve_field(self._key_field) key_from_key_field = key_field._current_value if key_from_key_field in self._keys: field_idx = self._keys.index(key_from_key_field) else: field_idx = 0 # default value self._fields[field_idx].set_offset(offset) rendered = self._fields[field_idx].render(ctx) self.set_current_value(rendered) ctx.pop() return self._current_rendered
[docs]class TakeFrom(OneOf): ''' Render to only part of the enclosed fields, performing all mutations on them '''
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=[], min_elements=1, max_elements=None, encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :type fields: field or iterable of fields :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :param min_elements: minimum number of elements in the sub set :param max_elements: maximum number of elements in the sub set :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_DEFAULT) :param fuzzable: is container fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the container (default: None) :example: :: TakeFrom(fields=[ Static('A'), Static('B'), Static('C'), Static('D'), Static('E'), Static('F'), ]) # 'E', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'C', 'A', 'CE', 'FC', 'CF', 'BD', 'AF', 'BED', # 'EBC', 'CDB', 'DCA', 'BFAD', 'FCBD', 'DBCF', 'BFACD' ... ''' super(TakeFrom, self).__init__(fields, ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable, name) self.subcontainer_encoder = encoder self.min_elements = min_elements self.max_elements = max_elements self.seed = 0x1234 self.random = random.Random()
def _init(self): if self.min_elements is None: self.min_elements = 0 if self.max_elements is None: self.max_elements = len(self._fields) self.max_elements = min(self.max_elements, len(self._fields)) self.random.seed(self.seed * self.max_elements + self.min_elements) self._rebuild_fields() super(TakeFrom, self)._init() def _rebuild_fields(self): ''' We take the original fields and create subsets of them, each subset will be set into a container. all the resulted containers will then replace the original _fields, since we inherit from OneOf each time only one of them will be mutated and used. This is super ugly and dangerous, any idea how to implement it in a better way is welcome. ''' # generate new lists new_field_lists = [] field_list_len = self.min_elements while not field_list_len > self.max_elements: how_many = self.max_elements + 1 - field_list_len i = 0 while i < how_many: current = self.random.sample(self._fields, field_list_len) if current not in new_field_lists: new_field_lists.append(current) i += 1 field_list_len += 1 # put each list in a container new_containers = [] for i, fields in enumerate(new_field_lists): # dup_fields = [field.copy() for field in fields] if self.get_name(): name = '%s_sublist_%d' % (self.get_name(), i) else: name = 'sublist_%d' % (i) new_containers.append(Container(fields=dup_fields, encoder=self.subcontainer_encoder, name=name)) self.replace_fields(new_containers)
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the state of the container and its internal fields ''' super(TakeFrom, self).reset() self.random.seed(self.seed * self.max_elements + self.min_elements)
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(TakeFrom, self).hash() return khash(hashed, self.min_elements, self.max_elements, self.seed)
[docs] def get_field_by_name(self, name): ''' Since TakeFrom constructs sub-containers and excercises OneOf, It needs to skip this sub-container when looking for field by name. :param name: name of field to get ''' return self._fields[self._field_idx].get_field_by_name(name)
[docs]class Template(Container): ''' Top most container of a message, serves a the only interface to the high level model '''
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=[], encoder=ENC_BITS_BYTE_ALIGNED, fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :type encoder: BitsEncoder :param encoder: encoder for the container (default: ENC_BITS_BYTE_ALIGNED) :param fuzzable: is fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the template (default: None) :example: :: Template([ Group(['a', 'b', 'c']), Group(['1', '2', '3']) ]) # the mutations are: a1, b1, c1, a1, a2, a3 ''' if name is None: name = 'Template' super(Template, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=encoder, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name)
[docs] def get_info(self): ''' Get info regarding the current template state :return: info dictionary ''' self.render() info = super(Template, self).get_info() res = {} res['name'] = self.get_name() res['mutation'] = { 'current_index': self._current_index, 'total_number': self.num_mutations() } res['value'] = { 'rendered': { 'base64': self._current_rendered.tobytes().encode('base64'), 'length_in_bytes': len(self._current_rendered.tobytes()), } } res['hash'] = self.hash() res['field'] = info return res
[docs] def copy(self): ''' We might want to change it in the future, but for now... :raises: :class:`~kitty.core.KittyException`, as it should not be copied ''' raise KittyException('Template should NOT be copied')
[docs]class PseudoTemplate(Template): ''' A pseudo template is an empty, immutable template, that can be created with any name. Pseudo templates are useful when fuzzing clients and we want to fuzz a template at differemt stages. :example: Let's say you have a protocol in which a given request is performed twice and you don't only want to check the handling of the response for each request, but what happens when those responses are different. This use case happens in various protocols. For example, some USB hosts may ask the same descriptor twice. In the first time, they will only read its length and allocate enough memory for it, and in the second time it will copy the descriptor to the allocated buffer. Providing different descriptors in each response may expose bugs that are similar to time-of-check time-of-use. When working with a graph model, this can be a problem, as you need to connect the same template to itself to match the stages of the stack, but you cannot do that, as it creates a cycle inside the GraphModel. The solution is to create ``PseudoTemplates`` s with the same name. :example: :: g = GraphModel() stage1 = PseudoTemplate(original.get_name()) stage2 = PseudoTemplate(original.get_name()) g.connect(original) g.connect(stage1) g.connect(stage1, original) g.connect(stage1, stage2) g.connect(stage2, original) This will result in the following (interesting) sequences: ``original``, ``stage1 -> original`` and ``stage1 -> stage2 -> original`` ''' # # we want each template to have a different hash, # so we set a different value of the internal (Meta) field to each template # _counter_ = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, name): ''' :param name: name of the template ''' val = PseudoTemplate._counter_ PseudoTemplate._counter_ += 2 val = val * 123 field = Meta(fields=BitField(value=val, length=32)) super(PseudoTemplate, self).__init__(name=name, fuzzable=False, fields=field)
[docs]class Trunc(Container): ''' Truncate the size of the enclosed fields '''
[docs] def __init__(self, max_size, fields=[], fuzzable=True, name=None): ''' :param max_size: maximum size of the container (in bits) :param fields: enclosed field(s) (default: []) :param fuzzable: is fuzzable (default: True) :param name: (unique) name of the template (default: None) ''' super(Trunc, self).__init__(fields=fields, encoder=ENC_BITS_DEFAULT, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=name) self._max_size = max_size
[docs] def render(self, ctx=None): ''' :param ctx: rendering context in which the method was called :rtype: `Bits` :return: rendered value of the container ''' super(Trunc, self).render(ctx) self._current_value = self._current_rendered self._current_rendered = self._current_rendered[:self._max_size] return self._current_rendered
[docs] def hash(self): ''' :rtype: int :return: hash of the container ''' hashed = super(Trunc, self).hash() return khash(hashed, self._max_size)