Writing Encoders

A Little Bit About Encoders

Each field in the data model has two main properties:

  1. The value of the field - for example, a number may have the value 1, 2 or -1532 and so on.
  2. The representation of the field - for example, a number with the value 123 may be represented as decimal (123), hexadecimal (7B) or a 32 bit little endian ('\x7b\x00\x00\x00') and so on.

The value of the field is decided by the field itself, using the default value or one of the field’s mutations. The representation of the field is decided by it’s encoder.

Kitty has a few encoder classes, used to encode integer values, floats, strings and Bits objects. You can see a list of available encoder classes in the Data Model Syntax documentation.

Kitty also provides many encoder objects that may be used directly in your model, such as ENC_INT_BE to encode an integer as a big endian, or ENC_STR_BASE64 to encoder a string in base64. Since most encoders have no state, the same object may be used by many fields without issue, thus the use of a global encoder object makes sense.

However, Kitty doesn’t have any possible encoding, and so you might be required to implement your own encoder from time to time.

Implementing Your Own Encoder

Example 1 - Aligned String

Let’s say that you have a String field that must be 4 bytes aligned, and you decide that it makes no sense to have mutations of this field that are not aligned.

Since the alignment is only related to the representation of the string, you should probably just encode it as a 4 byte aligned string, meaning, implement an encoder that encodes the string with padding when needed.

There are several ways to implement such an encoder. Here are two of them.

Straight Forward Implementation

We’ll start with a simple one, which might be just enough in some cases, and will make it more robust. Since we encode a string, we need to inherit from StrEncoder and override its encode() method. This method receive a string as argument, and returns an encoded string as a Bits object.

class AlignedStrEncoder(StrEncoder):

    def encode(self, value):
        pad_len = (4 - len(value) % 4) % 4
        new_value = value + '\x00' * pad_len
        return Bits(bytes=new_value)

Then, we can instantiate it:

ENC_STR_ALIGN = AlignedStrEncoder()

And use it multiple times:

Template(name='two aligned strings', fields=[
    String('foo', encoder=ENC_STR_ALIGN),
    String('bar', encoder=ENC_STR_ALIGN),

Using StrFuncEncoder

You can also implement it by passing the encoding function to the constructor of StrFuncEncoder

def align_string(value):
    pad_len = (4 - len(value) % 4) % 4
    new_value = value + '\x00' * pad_len
    return Bits(bytes=new_value)

ENC_STR_ALIGN = StrFuncEncoder(align_string)

Generic Implementation

We might want to create a generic aligned string encoder class and pass the alignment size as a parameter. In this case, we need to override the __init__ function:

class AlignedStrEncoder(StrEncoder):

    def __init__(self, pad_size, pad_char='\x00'):
        self._pad_size = pad_size
        self._pad_char = pad_char

    def encode(self, value):
        pad_len = (self._pad_size - len(value) % self._pad_size) % self._pad_size
        new_value = value + self._pad_char * pad_len
        return Bits(bytes=new_value)

Then, we can instantiate it with different values:

ENC_STR_ALIGN4 = AlignedStrEncoder(4)
ENC_STR_ALIGN8 = AlignedStrEncoder(8)

Example 2 - Reversed Bits

The encode() method returns a Bits object (from the bitstring package). The main difference between the big encoder types is the (type of) value that their encode() method accepts. In the first example, the it accepted a string, in the case of BitsEncoder, it accepts a Bits object.

The encoder below encodes the bits in a reversed order, e.g. if it receives the bits 10101100 it will return 00110101.

There two main ways to implement such an encoder.

Using BitsFuncEncoder

As with StrFuncEncoder in the previous example, BitsFuncEncoder allows you to just pass an encode() function to the constructor, so you don’t need to create a new class and implement its encode method. This comes handy from time to time.

def reverse_bits(value):
    return value[::-1]

ENC_BITS_REVERSED = BitsFuncEncoder(reverse_bits)

Subclassing BitsEncoder

However, you may subclass BitsEncoder directly.

class ReversedBitsEncoder(BitsEncoder):

    def encoder(value):
        return value[::-1]

And instantiate it

ENC_BITS_REVERSED = ReversedBitsEncoder()