kitty.fuzzers.base module

This module contains BaseFuzzer, which implements most of the fuzzing logic for both Server and Client fuzzing.

This module should not be overriden/referenced by entities outside of kitty, as it is tightly coupled to the implementation of the Client and Server fuzzer, and will probably be changed in the future.

class kitty.fuzzers.base.BaseFuzzer(name='', logger=None, option_line=None)[source]

Bases: kitty.core.kitty_object.KittyObject

Common members and logic for client and server fuzzers. This class should not be instantiated, only subclassed.

__init__(name='', logger=None, option_line=None)[source]
  • name – name of the object
  • logger – logger for the object (default: None)
  • option_line – cmd line options to the fuzzer (dafult: None)

handle a stage change in the data model

Parameters:model – the data model that was changed

Set duration between tests

Parameters:delay_secs – delay between tests (in seconds)

Deprecated since version use: set_delay_between_tests()

Parameters:interface – user interface
Parameters:max_failures – maximum failures before stopping the fuzzing session

Set the model to fuzz

Parameters:model (BaseModel or a subclass) – Model object to fuzz
set_range(start_index=0, end_index=None)[source]

Set range of tests to run

Deprecated since version use: set_test_list()

  • start_index – index to start at (default=0)
  • end_index – index to end at(default=None)

Set session file name, to keep state between runs

Parameters:filename – session file name

Set whether to skip the environment test. Call this if the environment test cannot pass and you prefer to start the tests without it.

Parameters:skip_env_test – skip the environment test (default: True)
Parameters:store_all_reports – should all reports be stored
Parameters:target – target object
Parameters:test_list_str – listing of the test to execute

The test list should be a comma-delimited string, and each element should be one of the following forms:

‘-x’ - run from test 0 to test x ‘x-‘ - run from test x to the end ‘x’ - run test x ‘x-y’ - run from test x to test y

To execute all tests, pass None or an empty string


Start the fuzzing session

If fuzzer already running, it will return immediatly


stop the fuzzing session