Server Fuzzing Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the steps that are taken to build a fuzzer for your target, we will build such a fuzzer for a tiny HTTP server. It will be a minimal implementation, just to show the basics.

  • First, we need to define our data model to let Kitty know how our protocol looks like.
  • Then, we need to define how will we communicate with our target.
  • After that, we need to find a way to control our target and how to monitor it (TBD).
  • And finally, we need to connect all those pieces together.

Data Model

We start with a simple example, of fuzzing a simple HTTP GET request. For simplicity, we will not look at the spec to see the format of each message.

A simple “GET” request may look like this:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

There are some obvious fields in this request:

  1. Method - a string with the value “GET”
  2. Path - a string with the value “/index.html”
  3. Protocol - a string with the value “HTTP/1.1”

However, there are some other things in this message, which we ignored:

  • (1.a) The space between Method and Path
  • (2.a) The space between Path and Protocol
    1. The double “new lines” (“”) at the end of the request

Those are the delimiters, and we should not forget them.

Here’s the translation of this structure to a Kitty model:

Data model, version 1

from kitty.model import *

http_get_v1 = Template(name='HTTP_GET_V1', fields=[
    String('GET', name='method'),           # 1. Method - a string with the value "GET"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space1'),          # 1.a The space between Method and Path
    String('/index.html', name='path'),     # 2. Path - a string with the value "/index.html"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space2'),          # 2.a. The space between Path and Protocol
    String('HTTP/1.1', name='protocol'),    # 3. Protocol - a string with the value "HTTP/1.1"
    Delimiter('\r\n\r\n', name='eom'),      # 4. The double "new lines" ("\r\n\r\n") at the end of the http request

We used three new objects here, all declared in kitty/model/

  1. Template, which is the top most container of the low level data model, it encloses a full message. It received all of its enclosed fields as an array.
  2. String('GET', name='method') creates a new String object with the default value ‘GET’, and names it ‘method’.
  3. Delimiter(' ', name='space1') creates a new Delimiter object with the default value ‘ ‘, and names it ‘space1’.

Based on this model, Kitty will generate various mutations of the template, each mutation is constructed from a mutation of one of the fields, and the default values of the rest of them. When a field has no more mutations, it will return it to its default value, and move to the next field.

Even in this simple example, we refine our model even more. We can see that the Protocol field can be divided even more. We can split it to the following fields:

  • (3.a) Protocol Name - a string with the value “HTTP”
  • (3.b) The ‘/’ after “HTTP”
  • (3.c) Major Version - a number with the value 1
  • (3.d) The ‘.’ between 1 and 1
  • (3.e) Minor Version - a number with the value 1

Now we can replace the protocol string field with 5 fields.

Data model, version 2

from kitty.model import *

http_get_v2 = Template(name='HTTP_GET_V2', fields=[
    String('GET', name='method'),               # 1. Method - a string with the value "GET"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space1'),              # 1.a The space between Method and Path
    String('/index.html', name='path'),         # 2. Path - a string with the value "/index.html"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space2'),              # 2.a. The space between Path and Protocol
    String('HTTP', name='protocol name'),       # 3.a Protocol Name - a string with the value "HTTP"
    Delimiter('/', name='fws1'),                # 3.b The '/' after "HTTP"
    Dword(1, name='major version',              # 3.c Major Version - a number with the value 1
          encoder=ENC_INT_DEC),                 # encode the major version as decimal number
    Delimiter('.', name='dot1'),                # 3.d The '.' between 1 and 1
    Dword(1, name='minor version',              # 3.e Minor Version - a number with the value 1
          encoder=ENC_INT_DEC),                 # encode the minor version as decimal number
    Delimiter('\r\n\r\n', name='eom')           # 4. The double "new lines" ("\r\n\r\n") at the end of the request

We just met two new objects:

  1. Dword(1, name='major version') create a 32-bit integer field with default value 1 and name it ‘major version’
  2. ENC_INT_DEC is an encoder that encodes this int as a decimal number. An encoder only affects the representation of the number, not its data nor its mutations

Dword is part of a family of fields (Byte, Word and Qword) that provides convenient initialization to the basic field on BitField.

The last example shows how we can treat a payload in different ways, and how it affects our data model. It is not always good to give too much details in the model. Sometimes too much details will make the fuzzer miss some weird cases, because it will always be “almost correct” and most of the times it will cause the fuzzing session to be very long. There is a balance that should be reached, and each implementor should find his own (this is a spiritual guide as well).

HTTP_GET_V2 is pretty detailed data model, but while all parts of the template that we want Kitty to send should be represented by fields, there are fields that we don’t want Kitty to mutate. For Instance, the two new lines at the end of the request signals the server that the message has ended, and if they are not sent, the request will probably not be processed at all. Or, if we know there is a “GET” handler function in the target, we might want to always have “GET ” at the start of our template.

The next example achieves both goals, but in two different ways:

Data model, version 3

from kitty.model import *

http_get_v3 = Template(name='HTTP_GET_V3', fields=[
    String('GET', name='method', fuzzable=False),   # 1. Method - a string with the value "GET"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space1', fuzzable=False),  # 1.a The space between Method and Path
    String('/index.html', name='path'),             # 2. Path - a string with the value "/index.html"
    Delimiter(' ', name='space2'),                  # 2.a. The space between Path and Protocol
    String('HTTP', name='protocol name'),           # 3.a Protocol Name - a string with the value "HTTP"
    Delimiter('/', name='fws1'),                    # 3.b The '/' after "HTTP"
    Dword(1, name='major version',                  # 3.c Major Version - a number with the value 1
          encoder=ENC_INT_DEC),                     # encode the major version as decimal number
    Delimiter('.', name='dot1'),                    # 3.d The '.' between 1 and 1
    Dword(1, name='minor version',                  # 3.e Minor Version - a number with the value 1
          encoder=ENC_INT_DEC),                     # encode the minor version as decimal number
    Static('\r\n\r\n', name='eom')                  # 4. The double "new lines" ("\r\n\r\n") at the end of the request

The first method we used is setting the fuzzable parameter of a field to False, as we did for the first two fields, this method lets us preserve the structure of the model, and change it easily when we do want to mutate those fields:

String('GET', name='method', fuzzable=False),   # 1. Method - a string with the value "GET"
Delimiter(' ', name='space1', fuzzable=False),  # 1.a The space between Method and Path

The second method is by using a Static object, which is immutable, as we did with the last field, this method improves the readability if we have a long chunk of data in our template that will never change:

# 4. The double "new lines" ("\r\n\r\n") at the end of the request
Static('\r\n\r\n', name='eom')


Now that we have a data model, we need to somehow pass it to our target. Since we are fuzzing an HTTP server implementation, we need to send our requests over TCP. There is already a target class to take care of TCP communication with the server - kitty.targets.tcp.TcpTarget, but we will build it here again, step by step, to learn from it.

When fuzzing a server, our target should inherit from ServerTarget. Except of two methods - _send_to_target and _receive_from_target, each method that you override should call its super.

Each fuzzing session goes through the following stages:

1. set up the environment
2. for each mutation:
    1. preform pre-test actions
    2. do transmition
    3. cleanup after the test
    4. provide a test report
3. tear down the environment

Each of those steps is reflected in the ServerTarget API:

Step Corresponding API
set up the environment setup()
perform pre-test actions pre_test(test_num)
do transmission transmit(payload) (calls _send_to_target(payload) and _receive_from_target())
cleanup after test post_test(test_num)
provide a test report get_report()
tear down the environment teardown()

Now let’s implement those methods (the part we need):

class definition and constructor

TcpTarget is an implementation of a TCP target
import socket
from kitty.targets.server import ServerTarget

class TcpTarget(ServerTarget):
    TcpTarget is implementation of a TCP target for the ServerFuzzer

    def __init__(self, name, host, port, timeout=None, logger=None):
        :param name: name of the object
        :param host: hostname of the target (the TCP server)
        :param port: port of the target
        :param timeout: socket timeout (default: None)
        :param logger: logger for this object (default: None)
        ## Call ServerTarget constructor
        super(TcpTarget, self).__init__(name, logger)
        ## hostname of the target (the TCP server) = host
        ## port of the target
        self.port = port
        if (host is None) or (port is None):
            raise ValueError('host and port may not be None')
        ## socket timeout (default: None)
        self.timeout = timeout
        ## the TCP socket
        self.socket = None

We create a socket at the beginning of each test, and close it at the end

pre_test and post_test

def pre_test(self, test_num):
    prepare to the test, create a socket
    ## call the super (report preparation etc.)
    super(TcpTarget, self).pre_test(test_num)
    ## only create a socket if we don't have one
    if self.socket is None:
        sock = self._get_socket()
        ## set the timeout
        if self.timeout is not None:
        ## connect to socket
        sock.connect((, self.port))
        ## our TCP socket
        self.socket = sock

def _get_socket(self):
    '''get a socket object'''
    ## Create a TCP socket
    return socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

def post_test(self, test_num):
    Called after a test is completed, perform cleanup etc.
    ## Call super, as it prepares the report
    super(TcpTarget, self).post_test(test_num)
    ## close socket
    if self.socket is not None:
        ## set socket to none
        self.socket = None

Notice that we called the super in each overriden method. This is important, as the super class perform many tasks that are not target-specific.

The next step is to implement the sending and receiving. It’s pretty straight forward, we call socket’s send and receive methods. We don’t call super in those methods, as the super is not implemented.

send_to_target + receive_from_target

def _send_to_target(self, data):

def _receive_from_target(self):
    return self.socket.recv(10000)

That’s it. We have a target that is able to perform TCP transmissions.

As the final stage of each test is providing a report, you can add fields to the report in your target at each of the methods above.

A basic fuzzer can already created with what we’ve seen so far. Dummy controller can supply supply the requirement of the base target class, and we don’t have to use any monitor at all, but if we want to be able to not only crash the client, but to be able to detect the crash and restart it once it crashes, we need to implement a Controller


As described in the overview, and in the Controller Documentation, the controller makes sure that our victim is ready to be fuzzed, and if it can’t it reports failure.

In our example, we have an HTTP server that we want to fuzz, for simplicity, we will run the server locally. We will do it by implementing LocalProcessController a class that inherits from kitty.controllers.base.BaseController.

The controller is controller by the Target and it follows pretty much the same stages as the target (excluding the transmission) Each fuzzing session goes through the following stages:

1. set up the environment
2. for each mutation:
    1. preform pre-test actions
    2. cleanup after the test
    3. provide a test report
3. tear down the environment

Each of those steps is reflected in the ServerTarget API:

Step Corresponding API Controllers role
set up the environment setup() preparations
perform pre-test actions pre_test(test_number) prepare the victim to the test (make sure its up)
cleanup after test post_test() check the status of the victim, shut it down if needed
provide a test report get_report() provide a report
tear down the environment teardown() perform a cleanup

class definition and constructor

from kitty.controllers.base import BaseController

class LocalProcessController(BaseController):
    LocalProcessController a process that was opened using subprocess.Popen.
    The process will be created for each test and killed at the end of the test

    def __init__(self, name, process_path, process_args, logger=None):
        :param name: name of the object
        :param process_path: path to the target executable
        :param process_args: arguments to pass to the process
        :param logger: logger for this object (default: None)
        super(LocalProcessController, self).__init__(name, logger)
        self._process_path = process_path
        self._process_name = os.path.basename(process_path)
        self._process_args = process_args
        self._process = None

Our controller has nothing to do at the setup stage, so we don’t override this method

Before a test starts, we need to make sure that the victim is up


def pre_test(self, test_number):
    '''start the victim'''
    ## call the super
    super(LocalProcessController, self).pre_test(test_num)
    ## stop the process if it still runs for some reason
    if self._process:
    cmd = [self._process_path] + self._process_args
    ## start the process
    self._process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    ## add process information to the report'process_name', self._process_name)'process_path', self._process_path)'process_args', self._process_args)'process_id',

When the test is over, we want to store the output of the process, as well as its exit code (if crashed):


def post_test(self):
    '''Called when test is done'''
    ## Make sure process started by us
    ## add process information to the report'stdout','stderr',
    self.logger.debug('return code: %d', self._process.returncode)'return_code', self._process.returncode)
    ## if the process crashed, we will have a different return code
    if self._process.returncode != 0:'return code is not zero: %s' % self._process.returncode)
    self._process = None
    ## call the super
    super(LocalProcessController, self).post_test()

When all fuzzing is over, we perform the teardown:


def teardown(self):
    Called at the end of the fuzzing session, override with victim teardown
    self._process = None
    super(LocalProcessController, self).teardown()

Finally, here is the implementation of the _stop_process method


def _stop_process(self):
    if self._is_victim_alive():
        if self._is_victim_alive():
            if self._is_victim_alive():
                raise Exception('Failed to kill client process')

def _is_victim_alive(self):
    return self._process and (self._process.poll() is None)